Lake Thun Blog
4 practical tips for your successful web presence

The guys and gals from Namo have been working on upgrading the Hauenstein Group's websites visually & technically since last year. The page on which you are reading this article also comes from the Bern agency for branding & web design.
Roman Kasinski is the project manager responsible for the project and has put together four simple but effective tips & tricks for a successful web presence for all budding web designers among you.
1. plan on paper before sitting down at the computer
It may seem tempting to jump straight into a web design programme and just go for it. However, I would advise you not to do this, because websites are a very complex matter with many different pages, navigations, contents such as texts, pictures and videos etc. It can quickly happen that you get tangled up. It can quickly happen that you get tangled up.
Therefore, it is better to start on an A4 sheet of paper and write down which pages your website should have at the end (this is called a sitemap).
Then, again for each of the pages, take a sheet of paper and write down what content (titles, texts, images, forms, etc.) should go on the individual pages (so-called wireframes).
This will give you a solid blueprint for your website that will help you keep track of the actual design of your website.
2. when it comes to design, less is often more
When designing a website, there are actually no limits to creativity. Nevertheless, try to limit yourself to a few selected colours, fonts and image styles. This not only looks more professional, but also makes it easier for visitors to your website to find their way around if buttons always have the same colour and titles the same size and font.

3 Good pictures are important. But where to get them?
A picture is worth a thousand words. That's why good photos are a must on every website. Ideally, have them taken by a professional, because nothing beats real photos of you, your company and your products.
But sometimes you don't have the budget or the time. In this case, you can resort to images from the internet, so-called stock photos. But be careful! Before you use a photo from the web, you must ensure that you have the necessary rights to use it or that the photo may be used freely (for commercial purposes).
Also, make sure that the photos harmonise with each other and do not use too many different photo styles (see above, 2).
4. do not let pages end in nothingness
Web pages are read from top to bottom. This means that your visitors reach a point on every single page where they can't go any further. Often they will jump off your page altogether.
Web designers therefore often place a so-called Call to Action (CTA) at the end of the page. The CTA is an element that directs the user via a button to a new page that could also interest him or her.
On this page you can, for example, click on more posts below or subscribe to the Hauenstein Hotels newsletter so that you are guaranteed not to miss any new posts :)

Conclusion: Why do I need an agency then?
A legitimate question. Thanks to services like Wix, Squarespace, etc. it is now easier than ever to create your own website. For a personal hobby project or the local sports club, I would even advise you to do so.
It becomes more difficult when the web presence has become a decisive information and sales channel for companies, because then even small details lead to decisive differences in new customers, sales figures, etc.
In this case, the involvement of an agency is primarily an economic decision. The fact that the website also looks nice is more of a secondary matter.