Lake Thun Blog
Vincent Rakotoniaina - Kitchen assistant/all-rounder at Restaurant Burehuus for over 10 years.

Casserolier and casserolière is a widely underestimated job. Without someone in the background to keep things clean and tidy, the chaos in many a kitchen would be perfect. Take a look behind the scenes with us. Today with Vincent from Restaurant Burehuus
About Vincent Rakatoniaina
Name: Vincent Rakatoniaina
Position: Kitchen assistant/all-rounder
Hobbies: family, cycling
My highlights in the Lake Thun region: lake, mountains, old town Thun
Describe to us what a typical day looks like as a kitchen helper/all-rounder at Burehuus.
In the morning, I arrive at the restaurant before noon and am the first to turn on the machines. After that, I ask the cooks where they need help. Most of the time, I then help create the mice en place for the lunch service.
During service hours, I wash up everything that comes out of the kitchen or from service. Around two o'clock I go on break and then I come back for the evening service. The procedure there is about the same as in the morning. I'm usually the last one to go home in the evening.
What do you like most about your job?
The cooperation with the whole team. I like helping others. Be it in the kitchen or sometimes in other departments. It's nice to feel the appreciation of the other team members.

You are originally from Madagascar. What is special about Switzerland for you?
Everything! Switzerland is my second home. The mentality, the rhythm, the rules, even if there are a lot of them (laughs). Everything is regulated, clean and in its place. My children were born here and we feel at home here.
Your place of work is directly on Lake Thun. Do you also benefit from this location in your free time?
Yes! It's so nice to live here near the Aare and the lake. I also go to the mountains sometimes. I like to ride my bike around this beautiful area.
You have been working at the Burehuus for over 10 years. What makes this place of work so special for you?
Compared to other restaurants, it is manageable. Everything is on the same floor. I used to work in establishments where the kitchen was one floor down, for example. The team spirit is noticeably better this way. The size of the company is also ideal for me and my work. And of course the commute. I can be here in twenty minutes by bike, which is perfect.

What would you like young people to take away who are considering working in a restaurant kitchen?
It is a strenuous profession. The physical strain is certainly greater than in other industries. But the main thing is that the work is fun. There is a solution for everything else.